Updated June 15th 2016
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Osteoarthritis treatment of the knee The ultrasound penetrates the joint and tissues. It stimulates the joint thermally and mechanically and improves permeability, creating a dynamic environment conducive to healing. Similar to a sponge that has been wrung out, the treated knee is now able to absorb nutrients. The waste is removed and swelling subsides
Chocolate quality check  It's possible to detect differences in the crystallisation of cocoa butter with ultrasonic waves
Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator It is used in neurosurgery to cut out tumors
Level sensor Ultrasonic pulse is emitted and received to determine the level in a tank.
Flow meter An ultrasonic wave is produced in a fluid, and we can analyse the echo to calculate the flow applying the Doppler effect
Stethoscope The internal sounds of the human body can give information abouth health
Detection of insects in vineyards Insects produce vibration while moving in the ground. Pattern recognition of vibration can help to prevent pests
Acoustic weapons Police use high intensity sounds to break protests
Non destructive test in a bridge Sound inspection of a bridge through ultrasonic wireless sensors
Ultrasonic welding Ultrasonic welding
Ultrasonic cutting Vibration applied to cutting shades can make cleaner cuts
Non destructive test Ulstrasonic waves to detect cracks
Side vehicle detection Detection of vehicles in hidden angles for safety improvements
Park assist Ultrasonic sensors applied to assist drivers while parking
Repair messaging LG appliances generate sound singals to communicate problems to service
Sonar Sonar applied to analyze seafloor
Acoustic levitation Standing waves to move small objects
Lung flute medical device used to clear mucus from congested lungs with low-frequency sound waves
Temperature measurement NPL studies the relation between sound, particle velocity and temperature to set a temperature reference
Ultrasonic windshield Vibration of the windshiel keeps it clear
Bomb detection Bomb detection through sound generation and pattern recognition
Hifu High intensity ultrasonic waves to kill target cells in medical surgery